Jerusalem (Paperback 2020)
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Book Introduction
Jerusalem is a famous novel written by Xu Zechen, the first winner of the Mao Dun Literature Prize who was born in the 1970s. This book focuses on Chinese young people born in the 1970s and starts with a redemptive gathering held by five young people who grew up by the canal. It outlines and connects lives in different cities and places such as Beijing and Shanghai, hometown and foreign countries. It intends to thoroughly explore the spiritual context of these people amid rapid modernization and urbanization through the author’s faithful description of their parents' and their own personal experience. The book also demonstrates the unique life status and bewilderments in the growth process. As a depiction of the growth history of the 1970s and the spiritual history of one generation, Jerusalem is an important summary of the author's life and literary experience. It has so far been the landmark work and the most ambitious novel written by a novelist of the 1970s, marking the maturity of his writings.