“The Central Axis of Beijing Culture and Tourism Classics”
Providing a Detailed Cultural Tourist Guide to the Central Axis

On January 19, 2022, the book series entitled “The Central Axis of Beijing Culture and Tourism Classics”, which had been compiled by Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism for three years, was formally published. Composed of 16 books with the word number totaling over three million, the book series introduces the urban evolution of Beijing and related cultural and historical stories. It is the first book series on the culture and tourism resources along the Central Axis of Beijing.

The book series conveys the “flavor of an ancient capital” by introducing urban construction, buildings, revolutionary heritages and hutongs (backstreet alleys);

It hunts for “traces of civilization” by showing readers around gardens, temples, tablet inscriptions and stone lions;

It witnesses the “inheritance of traditions” by demonstrating business streets, cuisine, handicrafts and local operas;

It evokes the “memories about culture” by presenting the stories of celebrities, written and translated works and legends.

The book series gives a panoramic view as well as specific and precise details about the culture in Beijing. It not only describes the cultural phenomena alive in our daily life, but also records the memories between the lines.  

Based on solid academic research findings and aimed to spread the knowledge in an easy-to-understand way, the book series interprets the Central Axis of Beijing from the perspective of traveling and tourism. It integrates cultural elements into tourism, and takes as its mission to help the Central Axis of Beijing to qualify for inclusion in the World Heritage List.

Readers can find a variety of themes appealing to their tastes in this book series. Each book highlights scenarios and personal experiences through specialized introduction, and has a chapter devoted to travelling related to above-mentioned themes. Traveling along the routes carefully designed in the book series, readers can watch the main buildings and gardens, savoring the Beijing-style cuisines, and enjoying the traditional handicrafts. The pictures, illustrations and maps in the book facilitate readers to find the charm of the Central Axis.

The publishing of the book series is part of the efforts of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism to systematically and carefully sort out the intangible cultural heritage resources related to the Central Axis in a deep-going way. The Bureau would further conduct research into the history and culture of the Central Axis, and design relevant tourist routes to gradually develop diversified products on a wide range of cultural and tourist themes to benefit people, and to constantly increase the popularity and explore the cultural profundity of the Central Axis.

In April 2022, “The Central Axis of Beijing Culture and Tourism Classics” has been selected as one of the first batch of books on the “Book List about the Central Axis” in the annual session of Beijing Reading Season.
